I have collected several addresses for the invitation list, but Blogger keeps saying I have an invalid something or other, so I can't send them. I'll keep working on that, but in the meantime, I'll post some pictures!
We are coming off a crazy last few weeks since I blogged, and as usual, I am coming up for air. I am thrilled to tell you that Maia slept through the night last night, and this is one of the first mornings in forever that I woke up before the girls and actually felt great!
Ava is now officially 2 1/2 and Maia is 10 months old going on 11 months. They are an active pair and I am operating lately at a break-neck pace until bedtime, not leaving much time for posting. The Lord has been faithful to minister to me in this season and sends me reminders of His care and provision during my days of craziness. I don't have much time at all for quiet times lately and spiritual refreshment, so I've been counting on Him to refresh me while I sleep, and He does. How grateful I am for His ministering during my sleep to prepare me for the next day and what it holds, be a task or a conversation with someone.
Now, let's see. Where was I? Oh, yeah! January!!!
It's 9:44 p.m. and I've had my Happy Mommy drink made up of a cup of milk, a few teaspoons of vanilla and a dash of cinnamon, and I'll leave you with one photo that sums up the New Year.
We've jumped into it and haven't stopped since!
Here's to a New Year! 2011, here we come!