Friday, April 1, 2011

February Pictures!

I'm so glad that cameras were invented, because when I remember the first half of February in my mind, I remember the villian virus of Roseola and Maia, and two other viruses that attacked me and Ava and being completely overwhelmed and exhausted. Well, looking back at the pictures, you'd never know it! ha ha Somehow, between the nose-blowing, temperature reading and sponge baths, we managed to capture the fun, lighter side of the first few weeks of February.

Ava's big virus during her first year of life was Hand, Foot, Mouth, and Maia's was Roseola, both documented in their baby books! Mean little viruses! Sweet little girls.

Here are a few random fun pictures from the first half of "FUN" February!

Happy Spring to everyone! I'm ready for warmer temperatures for sure!

Happy Chinese New Year 2011, Maia! She was born in the year of the Tiger.

Maia turns 10 months old on February 5th.

Kasey Alwood comes to visit us!

Ava decorates her Valentine's Bag for preschool. She took Tinker Bell Valentines.

Can't wait until these two can HELP me with laundry!

The Thinker

Sleeping angel

Daddy's girls

Valentine's Day and May Family visit up next!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That picture turned out great! Of course all the ones with the girls always look absolutely beautiful :)