Weight: 12 lbs 9oz
Length: 22 inches
Eye color: Blue!
Hair color: blondish-brown
I took her to Sears for her 2-month portraits and will try to post some of those pictures on here later this week. We're settling in tonight to watch election returns!
Oh, and I said I'd tell about my emergency room visit! I had stabbing pains in my left rib cage most of Sunday, and they worstened when I was at my Aunt's house Sunday night. I'm talking pain scale of 9 out of 10. Because we weren't sure what was causing it, we went to the emergency room, and I was diagnosed with pleurisy. It's basically an inflammation of the lining of the lung/rib cage area and takes about a month to heal. I'm not exactly sure why I have it... I'm not supposed to be lifting much at all, which is tough, because I have to lift a 13-pounder right now! I'm taking it as easy as I can, though, and I hope this will heal completely very very soon! Happy Election Day everyone!
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