Three months ago, Ava had just been born at 1:56 a.m, and here I was as the adoptive Mom following this little bundle down the hallway into the nursery. I think this picture was taken close to 3:00 a.m. This picture captures so much for me- the waiting, the longing, the surprise and astonishment and the peace and expectation all wrapped up together. I had a special bracelet that allowed me to come into the nursery. I kept it to show Ava one day.
Now, three months later, Ava and Saki are lounging on the couch together! My special bracelet has been put away for safe keeping. I think Saki gets the good sport kitty award this week! Notice that Lucy, the other cat, is not pictured! She's sulking somewhere in the corner...
Me and Ava hanging out in the nursery. I kept trying to get a one handed camera shot of the two of us!
I can't believe that Ava is already three months old! It seems like yesterday when Ben and I were bringing her home from GA! She's babbling away now and holding her head up like a pro. I have some video I'm going to try to upload this morning. Ben usually does that, so I need to figure this out!
Her favorite thing to look at right now is fans! We're having a slow Saturday. I got all of my thank you notes completed yesterday! Again, I am SO GRATEFUL for all of the warm wishes and generous gifts for Ava.
On another note, I drove twenty minutes to the airport last night to tell the Kato family goodbye. I called Ben afterwards and told him that it felt like a piece of my heart broke off. I am going to miss that family SO much. Please pray for them if you're reading this. I know the Lord answers our prayers in His timing, and I don't want to stop praying for them to know Him.
Ok! Enjoy the pictures and video if I can get it uploaded!
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