Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Something Beautiful

On any ordinary day, I love to look for beauty in the world. It reminds me that God is still on the throne looking down on his creation and longing to redeem it. The other day, we had a gentle rain, not much to soak the ground, and Ava and I discovered this beautiful rainbow in the backyard. I've seen many rainbows, but I've never seen one quite like this one. We could see the entire rainbow and one end of it going through the trees and hitting the ground. We looked at it for a few minutes until it faded out of sight.

Thank you, God, for rainbows and for your faithful promises to your children.

1 comment:

Treva said...

Emily! That is beautiful! I actually saw a rainbow here last night...I couldn't see the whole arc like you did, but I saw a good portion of it. Took a moment and gave thanks to God for the reminder of His care.
Love you!