Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Day Play!

On the 26th of December, (whew, I'm getting there!) the cold tempertures held, and the snow was still on the ground... a lot of it! Ava could not wait to go outside to play in it. Maia had the sniffles, so she had to wait for her snow play day until a few days later. Daddy and Ava had a ball playing in the six inches of snow we got, and Ben took Ava sledding for the very first time. She loved it! She is our outdoor girl- absolutely loves to be outside doing anything! Just like her Momma. :)

Every morning, before anything else, Ava liked to play with the Christmas train.

One of Maia's last meals in her Bumbo.,, We have loved the Bumbo!

Hat, scarf, mitten, boots, I'm ready!

I was determined to try my hand at "making" something special for Ava for Christmas this year. I thought, "surely, I can make a pillow," and I did! She loves Tinkerbell, and I found some fuzzy fabric at Hobby Lobby to use. I was so tickled it turned out! Who knows, maybe I'll make a dress someday! :)

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