Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Back With Lots of Pictures!

Hi, everyone!

I'm back today with loads of pics! Our schedule has cleared just this week after a VERY busy month. Never before have we had a busier May as a family! That's why I've been asbent from posting as much as I normally do.

In the midst of the craziness, I have desperately been trying to find time to be still and rest. That's easier said than done, but I'm trying. Simplify and be still are on my agenda today.

In the midst of all of the traveling and celebrating and reuniting, we did find time to go outside and play, plant vegetables and just hang out. Here are a few pictures from the events of this month! If you're just tuning in and don't see captions, I'm busy putting those on! Keep checking back.

When we returned from Indiana, Mom and I celebrated Mother's Day together with a special lunch at Miss Lily's Cafe in Townsend, known as the peaceful side of the Smokies. If you live around here, you have to go! It's SO good!

Such a restful time...complete with lemon bars and raspberry bars for dessert!

We've been child proofing the house and making it safe these last few weeks. We have a total of four gates, and we're moving on to drawer safety and fireplace safety soon. Little Ava is pulling up and crawling like a pro! This is Ben doing what he thinks Ava will be doing. ha!

My youngest cousin, Katie, on the far right, graduated from high school this month! Congratulations, Katie. We're so proud of you!

I met up with one of my dearest childhood and high school friends after graduation. She and I roomed together in a little apartment after college, and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding. She has a gentle spirit, a giving heart, and is one of the most authentic and loyal friend I have! I love you, Treva. Her children are Zoe and Sam - both cutie pies.

On a blustery, chilly Sunday, we ventured up to Seven Islands, where my Dad's side of the family is from to decorate the graves, remember loved ones, and catch up with cousins of my Dad. I love this little church. It's VERY old, and has old-timey wooden pews and floors. Here I am giving Ava a bottle by the window.

Perry was my grandmother's last name. She had four brothers and most are buried here along with their parents. It's a beautiful cemetery by the river.

Gardening! One of my favorite pasttimes when I HAVE the time! I grew spinach this year, harvested it, cooked it, pureed it, and fed it to Ava yesterday! I'd like to say that I do that every day, but alas, we also have jars in the pantry for on the go feedings. I have been buying carrots and sweet potatoes in bulk and making her food! We're saving quite a bit by doing that when you consider that 4 oz can cost anywhere from .44 to .74!

Many times, when Daddy comes home from work, he can find me and Ava in the yard somewhere. Welcome home, Daddy!

Oh, and I told you a few posts back that I'm growing potatoes in a garbage can! Well, here they are. I think I outsmarted those pesky potato beetles this year. Kathy, I see garbage cans in your future in Ireland - home of the potato!

These are the Stingrays, the orginal team minus Donna Allen, who was preparing for her daughter's wedding the next day, and the new team. We've been through SO much together as a team, 911, the death of a precious student and our dear TA, Janet Weigand, and many other things. They are my "family" as well, and I love them all dearly.

Debbie Carter and I - soul sisters and kindred spirits. Debbie took early retirement this year, and this was a bittersweet day for all of us. She was an amazing teacher who the Lord used to teach and encourage countless children. I love you, Debbie! I can't tell you how many times when I was going throug infertility treatments and miscarriages that my door swung upon at MIS with her saying, "I'm praying for you, girl. The Lord has a plan for you. He has a plan. I just know He does." And boy, did He ever! Bless you, Debbie.

Ava eating and playing with spinach and sweet potatoes! Yummy!

1 comment:

Treva said...

Aww! I love you too Emily! You are the best! I am so glad we were able to meet up for a few minutes this time--hopefully I will be able to come up again sometime this summer and we can really get together! By the way, I left that swing at my parents' house if you do still want it. Great pictures, as always. Ava is growing so fast. And good for you with her food... I did a lot of that with Zoe, but not quite as much with Sam. Enjoy that little cutie. You all remain in our prayers as you wait for word on Maia. Love you! Treva