Thursday, December 9, 2010

Crafty Day!

Those who know me best know that I'm creative but I'm not crafty! I've bought books in the past and even somewhat recently about sewing crayon pouches and such thinking, "I can DO this!" If you've seen Tinkerbell (we have about a million times now - Ava loves it!) she tries to be a light fairy and a water fairy and a nature fairy, but that's just not her thing! I'm a good tinkerer and can build a fort or cardboard box grocery store with the best of them, but crafty I'm not. So, this is a shout out to my sweet friend, Treva, who is a craft fairy! I will live vicariously through you!

Seriously, I do want to do crafts with the girls, and the other day, I withstood cold temperatures to scrath in the pine needles under a pine tree in our backyard to find long buried pinecones! I was thrilled to unearth about five, for you guessed it, peanut butter birdseed pinecones! I don't have to tell you that there was birdseed all over my kitchen, and as I surveyed the extent of seed, I laughed out loud and told Ava, "We did a craft today!" This is my warmup. :)

1 comment:

Treva said...

You are so funny girl! Looks like you had a great time...we love pinecone bird feeders! Thanks for the shout out. Zoe is very into crafts, so we like to come up with things to do, especially when she's not in school. We have found that she needs the outlet. Just have fun! (And I will send you that recipe.) Love you!