Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mimi and Papa's House

On October 31st, it's become tradition to head to Mimi and Papa's house for a warm and yummy dinner and Halloween treats and fun. Mom ordered pumpkin face pizzas from Papa Murphy's for us and made a delicious salad. As always, we were warm, loved and welcomed with open arms and the girls had a ball! Thank you, Mimi and Papa for a fun night! We love you!

1 comment:

Treva said...

Love all the pictures and messages you have been posting, girl! Your parents look great...and I know they are loving those girls to bits! What's funny though, is that in seeing these pictures at their house, I can totally visualize their house from when we were kids...ah, memories!
By the way, we'll be in town for a couple of days around New Year's, so I would love to work out a way to meet Miss Maia, and see the rest of you too!
Ok, this is long. Love you!