Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Catching Up Soon!

Hey, friends and family!

This has been a crazy past five days with lots on our plates, but I want everyone to know that just as soon as I can - I'll post a boatload of pictures to catch you up on life with little Ava.

Two events that you can anticipate are her falling off of the bed into a tiny little space between our nightstand and the bed - how in the world she landed and was ok is beyond me! The other is how we awoke to only 1 diaper this morning, and how I tried my hand at cloth diapers with MY old plastic bloomers. Interesting!

Be back soon! We're going to Tamyra Park's house today for a teacup picture at 4:30. "Alice" is sleeping right now after an adventurous trip around town today.

She'll "see" you soon!

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