Monday, April 26, 2010

Special Friendship

Recently, a dear friend of mine from Johnson City that I rarely see stopped by Chic-fil-A with her family to meet miss Ava. Chuck, Karen, Paul and Davis Anderson moved to Johnson City a few years back, and Chuck has been serving in the army overseas and just returned home at Easter after a long absence. Yay! Welcome home, Chuck!

Some of you may remember a post from 2008 about a friend of mine that sent me countless encouragement cards, notes and letters when I was walking through the valley of infertility. On any other ordinary day, I could open my mailbox and find something uplifting from her. Well, this would be Miss Karen, and she is a precious person who loves the Lord and loves others. Her encouragement meant the world to me, and Karen, I pray that you'll be showered with blessings this year. I love you.

Ava is NOT happy in this picture. I don't think she's going to be a big fan of people dressed up like animals. Poor cow.

Thank you for praying for me, Miss Karen!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hi , i just visited here and love you blog !
Here also you can read one another blog to one briliant and amazing woman she serve to LORD ,too!!
She changed my life is a long story please visit her here
Blessings from England !