Friday, August 15, 2008

Back on Track!

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Hey, everyone!

I apologize for not posting last week. Ben and I took a short vacation to Nags Head N.C. to visit with his family, and I took a break from my blogging. We're home now, and my attention is turned once again to our adoption journeys.

Much has happened while we've been gone that I'm excited to share!

First, CHINA DATES HAVE ROLLED! They are completely through the month of January! Praise the Lord! We're on to February now, and talk in the adoption community is that things may pick up, especially after the Beijing Olympics. The CCAA is averaging 5-6 days per month in their processing of referrals. This means that we can reasonably estimate our referral to arrive sometime next summer or fall. I just updated our journeytomaia site if you'd like to check that out. The link is on the right side of the blog. We remain committed and hopeful to bring Maia home next year! Every day is a day closer to her, and to see movement is good for my heart.

Our domestic adoption journey took a leap forward this past week when we got the call that our birthmother is now 1 1/2 cm dilated. She's going in every week to check on the progress of the baby and estimate her delivery time. The due date is still 8/24/08. Today is 8/15! Only nine days left! When did that happen?!

We still don't know if it's a boy or girl and likely won't know until the baby is born. We're told it's in the correct position for delivery, and we're waiting to hear how much the baby weighs now. She'll call us again next week and let us know. I know God holds this child and is taking care of him or her. No fear, Emily, no fear...

Where is my heart right now? Well, I can say that it's pretty much all over the place. I was in line at a Chic-fil-A yesterday and forgot what I was going to order because I was so focused on an adoptive family with a four year old Chinese daughter in front of me. My mind is trying to grasp what it will be like to finally hold Maia in our arms! She's always with me, and a fierce love for her has grown in my heart.

At the same time, I'm keeping a close eye on my cell phone to make sure I haven't missed any Atlanta adoption calls. My heart is all over the place with this adoption. Trusting, trusting, trusting... I have this mental picture of Jesus holding me in His arms and telling me that everything will be ok - that I don't have to go this alone. Even when I FEEL lost and and alone, which has been more often than not lately, I'm not. He's always with me. This is truly the only thing that keeps my heart afloat in these days of uncertainty. Thank you, Jesus, for never leaving me. I long to see you face to face and have a conversation with you about these years in my life.

I'm returning to you, today.

More updates to come soon, I'm sure!!

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