Well, today has been quite the day. I have a goal of trying to find some "me" time in every day, even if's only for a few minutes, to settle my mind, quiet my heart and hear from God. Some days I do better at this than other days, because there's always a hundred distractions... like today. I woke up and began my day by gently coaxing a momma cow back into a fenced pasture area at my dad's farm. Daddy was out of town, so Ben and I came to the rescue and worked side by side in the drizzle. After a few minutes of me trying to talk "cow" to her, she crossed the road, went behind the truck and followed me right in a little path in the fence made for people to walk through. She then joined the other bulls, heifers and her baby calf. Quite an accomplishment for that early in the morning! I just never know what my day will hold.
On the drive home, I began what is the normal daily drama of domestic and international adoption. I lost count of e-mails and phone calls to attorneys, the third party in Atlanta we're working through and to Sabrina, the precious birthmother who is making the difficult decision to give her baby to us. My head is spinning this week on who I've told what to, and what decisions we've made, and what to do next.
Yesterday, I found/made time to sit down and let the Lord speak to me and remind of how big He is. This is what He told me yesterday.
From Psalm 56:8 - "You number my wanderings(which, by the way, have been many this week) and put my tears in your bottle." I'm not sure how big this bottle is, but I think I might have a few in Heaven. :)
From Eph. 3:16 - I have power through His spirit in my inner being." It's a good thing, because my power is flickering on and off.
Deuteronomy 33:25 - "My strength will equal my days." I wondered about that lately as our quest to discover the children God has for us leaves me many days withouth strength. I worry I'll just plain run out. It's so good to know it will equal my days!
Exodus 15:12 - "The Lord IS my strength." Awesome! Meaning it's ok I don't have any.
2 Corinthians 3:5 - "My competence comes from the Lord." Boy, that's a relief! Thank, you, Lord for that reminder as I strive to do and say the perfect thing all of the time.
Finally, I remembered, "Be patient in tribulation, rejoicing in hope, continuing steadfastly in prayer." I'm trying Lord. I really am trying...
Be encouraged by these verses wherever you are today and whatever distractions have kept you from being still. ps- if you see any stray momma cows around, just sweet talk it, and hopefully it will follow you.
With love.
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