Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pressing On... and Living

This is Bear who tried to eat the snowman/lady I made! He's a mess!

Hey everyone,

It is true that these last few weeks have had a somber tone and I've been pretty distracted because my family is hurting, but each day brings new hope and life is being lived in the midst of the hurting. Each day I woke up last week, my heart was heavy, but I knew I needed to live each day. I took pictures of what we've been up to. For one thing, it SNOWED in East Tennessee! Everyone going to the grocery store to buy bread and milk finally paid off! We had a wonderful snowy wonderland for a few days, and I decided to go out and build a snowman for Ava while she was napping one day. I used her mittens and her hat! :)

I got down on my hands and knees in the garden plot where the snow was the deepest and just started playing and building. It felt SO good. I need to "play" more often! Bear, our dog, and I got into a snowball fight - well, it was really me throwing snowballs at him because he kept trying to eat my snowman! Anyway, I took some pictures of life this week and wanted to share them with you.

Ava Faith is growing so much! She turned five months old January 21st! She's now sitting up, focusing both eyes on a toy and reaching for it and giggling just a little bit. She also has two front teeth! I'll try and get a picture of those soon. She is all smiles in the morning when I go in to get her, and she is adding so much cheer to these difficult days.

Ruthie is still hanging on. I know that she would want us to be strong and continue to live - really live life here and embrace it. I'm trying to remember that each day as I awake and touch base with my family to hear how the day is going and how my grandmother is doing.

We have so much to celebrate about her life. I love my family so very much.

I sung this old hymn in church this morning. It had been a long while since I had sung it. I belted it out, as I remembered standing in the pews of my childhood church and singing this with my grandparents. What a wonderful song. It's definitely one of my favorites. I'll see if I can add it to the playlist. Some of the hymns I find sound like Gregorian chants, and I need something a little upbeat right now! :)

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future.
And life is worth the living just because He lives..

Blessings to all.


Ava playing in her Rainforest Jumparoo and reaching for her frog.

Good snowy morning East Tennessee! Finally!!

This is not a Christmas picture even though it looks like it because, yes, we still have our tree up! I just love the twinkly lights, and it's adding some cheer right now. Am I justifying?

Our Snow Baby - I dashed outside to capture this pic. It was SO cold that morning!

Rubber Ducky

Happy 5 month birthday, sweet baby girl! January 21, 2009! Oh, and Ava is wearing her decorated outfit made by my sweet friend, Cindy Goodson. I was Cindy's 6th grade math teacher many moons ago, and the onesie says I'm Acutie. She painted an acute angle on it. Thank you, Cindy! I just love it! Happy pi day whenever that is! :)

Daddy put me in the sink. :)

We're having a very laid back evening at our house this week! Can you tell?

Ben came home for lunch, and we watched the Inauguration of our new President.

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