Sunday, February 8, 2009

Little Things

**Update** You'll hear a new song on my blog today. I heard it for the first time last night while watching the movie, Fireproof. It's John Waller's "While I'm Waiting." There are many things I've struggled with and questioned, "why" about from time to time in my life, and one of them has been waiting! I know now that the waiting I've experienced in my life forever changed me, and some of the sweetest moments with the Lord came in those times. Waiting is a word that means SO many different things to each and every single one of us. I hope this song encourages your heart.

Be encouraged this day.

Ava sitting at the window seat Ben built in the nursery.

When we started a nursery for Maia (our adoption journey to China) many moons ago, Ben had an idea to build a window seat for her so she could play, store toys and read books there as she grew. We've had these books and toys there for a few years now awaiting a baby to play with them! You'll see some Chinese baby dolls and some adoption books on the top shelf in anticipation of what is to come.

Ava can sit up really well now, and yesterday, we sat her in front of the shelves and let her play. She had a great time! The rug you see on the floor was bought about a year and a half ago. When I saw it in the store, I remember getting teary-eyed and thinking about that extraordinary moment when Maia would be HOME AT LAST! I just HAD to have that rug! At that time, little did I know that Ava was on her way into our family!

I wanted to let everyone know that you can still follow our journey to Maia on this site as well as our first site, There's a link on the right side of my blog along with an update of referral dates. They have now processed through March 2, 2006. Our Log-in date is April 28, 2006. The story to Maia is a precious one, and if you're new to our story, it's filled with MANY twists and turns. Mostly, it's about God speaking to my tender heart and telling us that we have a baby girl in China waiting for us. I love the China website because it was the first one we stumbled upon that allowed us to have different buttons for China specific details. I hope that it will become a treasure to Maia in years to come. There are countless journals there written to her, and I am so thankful to Bill, our host, for having such a terrific site for adoptive families. He does a wonderful job.

On another note, Ava and I both had 101.4 degree temps yesterday and have an upper respiratory infection. We're much better today and are enjoying the spring temperatures! Daddy's off on a bike ride with his good buddy, Eric, and we're just camping out again today at home.

Oh, and you know that aspirator thing that looks like a bulb? Well, it's now officially Ava's enemy! I remember hating that thing when I was little, and now, Ava doesn't like it either! It does do a good job, though, in helping little ones breathe better. Now I know why my Mom used it. Thanks, Mom. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the additions of the songs "While I'm waiting" and "Whatever Your doing". Those are two of my faves! So, thanks...I am enjoying them. Glad you guys are on the road to recovery and starting to feel better.