Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Few Special Moments

I'll write a post later today when I've got more time and I'm not typing with one hand!! Going to the pediatrician today for a well visit...

4:50 p.m. Well, I made it to the pediatrician and back with no major mishaps, and this time, I DID have diapers and wipes with me thank you very much instead of just burp cloths and formula. For those of you catching up, Ben and I took her to her 1st well visit in GA, and I forgot to put diapers and wipes, yes, in the DIAPER bag. Today, I felt much more in the flow of things, even if my body doesn't know what time it is. She was a little angel today, but I know there will likely be many future appointments with crying and hollering!

We're having so much fun opening the mailbox, answering the door, and checking the machine. I have cherished every joyful word from everyone, and I am working on calling or e-mailing you back. Just please know that Ben and I feel so loved by everyone, are treasuring your rejoicing with us and can't wait for you to meet little Ava Faith!

Next week, we'll be a little more adjusted ( I hope ) and caught up on some sleep. I'll continue to post pictures and share my heart in hopes that it will encourage someone out there on any given day.

I'd like to share the story of how Ava Faith came to be our little girl, and it's a great story with a lot of twist and turns but one clear path marked out by my Heavenly Father. Remember when I said God knows right where to find me. Let's just say that He found me dipping ice cream. Yep. Dipping ice cream.

It was in the everyday moments of "regular cone or sugar cone?" and folding a zillion cake boxes that God surprised me.

I hope to share that story this weekend. Ben's Mom and Dad, (Grandma and Grandad) are coming to visit tomorrow evening. I'll post some pictures very soon!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

She is beautiful! I love her blonde hair. . . and that yawn is precious! You look like very happy parents!

Laurie Pullins