"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets. That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come; it will not tarry." Habakkuh 2:3
All was very quiet on the southern front today. Around 5:30 today, Mom and I were in the nursery, and my aunts were calling to check in. I knew some friends were going to drop by, but oh my, what a grand surprise awaited me and Ben at around 6:00.
We watched as car after car came down the hill spilling children and adults with balloons out into our front yard. It was like the best parade I've ever seen! There was laughter and dancing and smiling and hugging. Again, I wanted to stay in the moment and freeze time.
There are so many people in our hearts to thank for their love, encouragement, prayers, fasting, interceding and support. Some were able to be here today to celebrate, and others weren't, but I know that we are being loved from all directions, and there are a slew of folks celebrating and exhaling tonight!
Ava slept through the whole thing and is upstairs in her little crib sleeping peacefully as I blog. I'm a mommy now. Whoah. Just like that.
God, you turned my mourning into dancing and turned ashes into beauty, all in a moment. I saw Your hand move to orchestrate this surprise, and I know You're smiling and laughing as you saw the spectacle today.
When everyone was gathered, we saw about 30 pink, white and green balloons. Beth, pictured in my past post, made an announcement as everyone gathered and told me that the balloons represented the pain and long suffering of the past eight years. She said we were going to let them all go. I joked and said we needed a hot air balloon! :)
On the ready, the balloons sailed into the hot western sky, and as I watched, I sat silently, saying goodbye to the heartache and sorrow, longing and emotional pain of the last eight years that had grown to be my everyday companions.
So, if you come across a balloon out there somewhere, you'll know it's all of the things I've been holding onto that were keeping the joy from my heart. A new day is here! There's a time for every season. The season of infertility is over in my life, and I will never be the same. I can honestly say now that I am thankful for the lessons God taught me in the valley, although I still don't fully understand and won't this side of Heaven. I'm ok with my understanding being limited. I know Jesus and I will have a lot to talk about, and I'm looking forward to that. :)
September 2nd - I will forever mark this day as the day God rescued my heart. Thank you, Lord. You deserve all the glory and honor for this celebration!
I know future seasons of joy and pain are ahead in this life. I'd like to have a heads up on what's next. Oh, but then I remember the role that faith has played during this season - being sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see.
Oh, and we're not eating Chinese food. We're eating leftovers... The Chinese food can mark another occasion in the future....
With great love to everyone...
Emily and Ben -
What incredible joy! I have been checking back each day for updates, and was so happy to read today's update!
And don't fool yourself, you've been her mom since the moment you anticipated her arrival...and Ben a dad just the same...today was just the legal sign-off on the same.
Much love and congrats to you both - when you get a chance (haha) please send me your home address via my facebook email!
Jessica, Al and Ayda
Emily and Ben -
Congratulations on your newest addition! Though I've been gone from Fairview for a few years now, I knew you were in the process of adopting from China, but my Mom told me you had also just adopted a little girl domestically, so I thought I'd check out the story.
Thanks for sharing what the Lord has done in bringing your daughter to you, and thanks for your transparency throughout the process. Looking forward to seeing more beautiful pictures!
In Christ - Lauren Crane
Welcome to Ava Faith and a BIG Congratulations to you and Ben! I know you must be thrilled! I just cried and got goosebumps when I got your email this afternoon and the link to Ava's blog. Love the pictures!
Will continue to pray for you all and Maia Grace. . .
Blessings, Laurie Pullins
Incredible story, incredible faith, incredible LOVE. Thank you for sharing this journey.
Janet Crane
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