Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wading Through Deep Water

Today, the International Director of our International agency will be calling me around 3:00 to discuss their agency's views of the difficulty in bringing Maia home from China.

Our resolve to bring her home is unchanged, and Ben and I are prepared to go to great lengths to accomplish that. However, we're dealing with very powerful federal agencies. I still believe that our paperwork will go through guided by hands unseen. He knows Maia's name.

My prayer today is for key individuals to be put in our path as we wade through the deep waters of regulations and rules and federal agency decisions - State Senators who can speak on our behalf if that's needed.

Please pray for:

*My conversation with the director today that I'll have wisdom and no fear.

*Legislation that will allow families to go back and file an I-600A instead of an I-800A, thereby removing a lot of the obstacles in our and other adoptive families' way.

*Our State Senators Alexander and Duncan who can advocate for our family's situation.

Thank you!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,
Stay strong and remember that God is in control.

We will be at the Fall Festival (kids area) on Saturday. I would love to see you!

Karen Anderson