Monday, December 29, 2008

Direct Contact False Alarm

Hi! I just checked my e-mail and saw "Memphis Congressional" as a sender. That is the e-mail address coming straight from USCIS in Memphis. I do believe it took me a solid minute to open it. I was preparing my heart and asking God to just hold my hand as I read whatever it had to say, which I assumed was their decision.

Well, I laughed as I opened it. It just read, "I have sent your request to the Supervisor." Well, ok. I had to emotionally decompress there for a moment. You know, I think that this is honestly causing some stress in me subconsciouly. I've made peace with whatever the decision is, but I think it's the not knowing that's weighing on me. I tend to hold my emotions with something this huge and then release them like a dam gushing with water. Whew. Breathe. Maybe we'll hear something today or tomorrow? I assure everyone that as soon as I know anything, something, everything, I'll post!!!

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