Monday, December 8, 2008

More Thanksgiving Celebrations!

Ava meets Uncle Chuck for the first time.

Auntie Jenn sharing some special time with Ava.

Having fun with cousin Chase

Cousin Evan loves babies!

Cousins together!

Well, today is a day of wreath hanging, humidifiers, (Ava still has the sniffles) picking out Christmas cards on Snapfish (yes, there are a million to choose from!), visiting with my 70 something neighbor who just dropped by to give Ava a little handmade mailbox to hang on the tree, eating a corndog and hummus (do those even go together? In my kitchen, they do!) and playing with Ava and petting the cats. Pretty full day, and it's only 3:30! :)

I set some goals for today ( you know that simplifying thing I'm working on) and so far, so good. I'm not moving through these goals at mock speed, but I'm getting there ever so slowly. I'm learing that simplying takes TIME! I do wish a clean out fairy would come to my closets and just take over! ugh.

I said I'd post Thanksgiving two pictures and some more of Ava's cousins and aunt and uncle, so I'm going to do that! Tomorrow, I'll share another video from the Billy Graham Christmas special, which, by the way, was on some crazy channel 10News2 at 7:00 which we don't have!! I had to settle for on-line viewing instead of a well thought out sit on the couch with Ben and Ava and drink hot chocolate viewing.

So without further ramblings, here are some more Thanksgiving pics!

Ava meets Great Grandma Cook for the first time!

Cousin Evan feeding Ava.

Jaimie, cousin Ray's girlfriend, making Ava smile.

Thanksgiving mingling at Aunt Margaret and Uncle Russ's house.

Enjoying family after the Thanksgiving meal.

Cousin Monica and Grandma

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