Uncle Vince meets Ava for the first time!
Grandaddy having some fun time with Ava.
Grandma having bottle time with Ava.
In the depths of my heart lies a place that is forever grateful to the Lord. It's not any one thing I'm grateful for, really. It's SO many things. I could list them out here, but it would take awhile! I'm sure your list is pretty long, too!
I thought of something, though, this morning that I forget to thank the Lord for sometimes. It is this...
Pursuing me in the wilderness....
I often reflect on why it is that when one prayer, tiny or huge, has been answered that my spirit can again become tense and self-focused and wishing for freedom from this or that. I suddenly find myself in a wilderness scratching my way around in the brambles and bushes of life and expectations and obligations, and I grow thirsty - thirsting for living water that I have learned is really the only means of true and lasting refreshment and the only source of my true identity. Nothing else, even good things, can ever completely satisfy. I need Him just as much as I did before He blessed our family with Ava Faith.
I need Him constantly in my everyday everything.
Today and everyday, as I take off the cloak of perfection that is often wrapped around my shoulders, I'll need Him.
I recently read In Streams in the Desert the story of a woman who was an anxious and troubled Christian. She had a dream one night that she was walking along a road with a lot of other people who also seemed very tired and burdened. She then saw that they were carrying little black bundles that were littering the road and being dropped by creatures quite demonic looking. More and more were being dropped and she, too, was stooping the pick them up and carry them.
After some time, she looked up and saw a Man whose face was loving and bright as He moved through the crowd, comforting the people. He then said to her, "My dear child, these bundles you carry are not from me, and you have no need of them. They are the Devil's burdens, and they are wearing out your life. You need to drop them and simply refuse to touch them with even one of your fingers. Then you will find your path easy, and you will feel as if 'I carried you on eagles's wings.' (Ex. 19:4)
So, I began to think about Him pursuing me in the wildernesses of this world. Today, it was a phone call from a dear friend who spoke truth to me in the midst of my self-focusing. I believe the Lord comforts us and speaks to us through the body of Christ, and I am so thankful for His provision for me today.
I thought of the little black bundles I maybe have been carrying.
I'm so grateful that He never leaves me in one place completely satisifed and that when I get off track, He is ever gentle and patient to bring me back.
He's there to take my cloak of perfection off and remove the black bundles from my fingers.
So, these are just some thoughts I was having today and wanted to share in hopes that you might be encouraged to continue this walk with strength and hope that He's with you and pursuing your woman's heart in the mist of any wildernesses that you find yourself in at the moment.
I'll post Thanksgiving Day pictures very soon.
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